
Any item purchased on has a total guarantee of satisfaction.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order, within the first 7 days after receiving the goods. Once we receive back the product and confirm its good condition, we will refund the amount of the item but not the shipping costs paid in the order.

If you want to change the size, color or model of the item purchased, you should proceed in the same way.

In the case of receiving defective products or products that do not correspond to the order made by the customer, we will assume all the expenses derived from the change. After receiving the package and confirming the good condition of the product, we will ship the correct items.

The usage, deterioration or misuse of the products will not be accepted as a reason to change the items.

To proceed with a return or exchange you should contact us through "Contact" section or send us an email to

They should direct their return packages (by Post Office, preferably)

As soon as the package is received in our warehouse, we will proceed according to the instructions indicated on the return form.

No change will be accepted without prior authorization from